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Utopia Cider Eleonora 2017

Utopia ciders are unlike you have ever tried. And if you don't like ciders, then you need to try these. Ciders that are mass produced go through addition of enzymes, additives, sugar in some instances, forced carbonitation for the bubbles you may find in them and high amounts of sulphur dioxide.


Utopia ciders are unmessed with, nothing added or taken away and with zero added sulphur dioxide. These are pure, living, fermented juice all made from fruit of 100-150 year old organic orchards. 


The Eleonora's aromas are expressive and giving - slight touch of bruised apples, and nutty character coming through - on the palate it is dry, has a seriousness about it that would be perfect for an apertif with some finger foods or continue it through the first course of your meal.   

Utopia Cider Eleonora 2017

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